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Northern Ireland Curriculum


The curriculum offered in Cedar Integrated Primary School encompasses all elements of the Revised Northern Ireland Curriculum. It is designed to give a broad and balanced education to all children, and to present those children with experiences suitable to their current stages of development.


The revisions to the curriculum aim to retain the best of current practice while seeking to give greater emphasis to important elements, such as children's Personal Development and Mutual Understanding and the explicit development of Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities.


Teachers have considerable flexibility about how best to interpret and combine the requirements so as to prepare young people for a rapidly changing world.


The Primary Phase consists of three Stages:


* The Foundation Stage (Primary 1 and 2)

* Key Stage 1 (Primary 3 and 4)

* Key Stage 2 (Primary 5, 6 and 7)


The Curriculum for the three stages is set out in six Areas of Learning. Although the Areas of Learning are set out separately, learning is integrated, where appropriate, across the six areas to make relevant connections for children. Teachers select from within the learning areas those aspects they consider appropriate to the ability and interests of their pupils.



The Areas of Learning are:


1. Language and Literacy
(including Talking and Listening, Reading and Writing and additional languages)






2. Mathematics and Numeracy
(focusing on the development of mathematical concepts and numeracy across the curriculum)






3. The Arts 

(including Art and Design, Drama and Music)






4.The World Around Us 

(focusing on the development of knowledge, skills and understanding in Geography, History and Science and Technology)







5. Personal Development and Mutual Understanding 

(focusing on emotional development, social skills, learning to learn, health, relationships and sexuality education and mutual understanding in the local and global community)






6. Physical Education 

(focusing on the development of knowledge, skills and understanding through play and a range of physical activities)






7. Religious Education 

The curriculum for Religious Education is defined by the Department of Education and the four main Christian Churches in Northern Ireland.

Withdrawal from Religious Education

Parents have a right to withdraw their children from these classes.  Should this be the case (confirmed by a written letter to the Principal) these children will be provided with other work and will be supervised by a member of staff, for the duration of these activities.







At the heart of the curriculum lies an explicit emphasis on the development of skills and capabilities for lifelong learning and for operating effectively in society. Through opportunities to engage in active learning contexts across all areas of the curriculum, children should progressively develop:


Cross-Curricular Skills:
* Communication
* Using Mathematics
* Using Information and Communications Technology


Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities:
* Thinking, Problem-Solving and Decision-Making
* Self Management
* Working with Others
* Managing Information
* Being Creative



Pupil Profile

Pupil Profile will involve teachers assessing and reporting pupil progress and achievements. It will be used to support and inform decisions throughout a pupil’s time at school, providing information for:


Parents - about helping their child’s learning at home
Teachers - as they plan learning and teaching
Pupils - about their achievements and how to improve


The parents of every primary school pupil in Northern Ireland will receive an Annual Report before the end of each school year. The Annual Report has been designed to promote consistency across Northern Ireland and includes Special Schools, Special Units attached to mainstream Primary Schools and Irish Medium Schools and Units. Therefore, no matter which school their child attends, every parent will receive the same breadth of information on their report. Annual Reports should be received by parents by 30th June.

School policy documents have been completed and are continually being revised and updated. Some policies are included on this website, others are available on request.


If you wish to find out more about the Revised Northern Ireland Curriculum go to: 

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