Our Staff
Our Staff
Primary 7
Our P7’s had embraced all of the roles and responsibilities associated with being the oldest in the school. Our Pupil Voice teams are working to create Action Plans with the aim of making Cedar an even better place to be. This year we have the Student Council (who are supported by representatives from P4-6), the Digital Team, Librarians, Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSO’s), a PE Team, Anti-Bullying Ambassadors, an art specialist, and a Forest Ranger. We are also really excited to be Playground Buddies again this year. We have great games and activities to make sure the younger pupils are having fun and feeling included at playtimes.
We have started the year by learning all about ‘Our Town’ – focusing on the history of Crossgar. Callum from Crossgar Life has been working closely with the class to share his knowledge and take us out and about to visit some of the sites. We will also be visiting some of the religious buildings to find out about the variety of beliefs in our town; what makes us all similar and how we are all unique in our own way!
We are learning all about famous local people such as Sir James Martin, the inventor of the ejector seat – we will even experiment with chemical reactions to complete a STEAM challenge to make our own model ejector seats!
P7 love learning outdoors and we get into the forest as often as we can manage. We are consolidating our maths skills in area and perimeter at the minute by completing some practical investigations.
We are participating in the Football Makes Our Shared History project and are learning all about our links to sport through family and the community. We are aiming to have a small exhibition to share our stories and links at the end of October. As part of the project our playing field will become a ‘Peace Pitch’ twinned with Flanders Fields. To celebrate this we will combine with Killyleagh Integrated Primary to play in a 7-a-side football tournament. We will also have a trip to the Ulster Museum and Windsor Park!
P7 Autumn Term 2021
P7 hit the ground running this year, working extremely hard in all areas of the curriculum.
This amazing bunch of individuals are determined to make their last year at Primary count and have all volunteered to form various Pupil Voice groups. They have written action plans and are working hard to make their ambitions become realities.
Student Council
Junior Road Safety Officers
Anti-Bullying Ambassadors
Tech Team
E-Safety Team
PE Team
Minecraft Education
P7 use 1:1 devices in class for work across the curriculum. One of our favourite programmes is Minecraft Education. We use this to explore and expand our understanding through a wide range of Worlds and activities.